When to look for a new job?

Feeling stuck or a bit too comfortable in your current role?

It’s a common problem. Yet, deciding when to switch jobs is usually filled with doubt and uncertainty.

Let’s debunk a myth: you don’t need to be desperate or jobless to start looking.

In fact, the best time to look for a new job is when you’re still comfortable in your current one.

Why? Because you have the luxury of choice without the pressure.

Here are a few subtle signs to watch out for:

• Your learning and growth have stagnated.
• There’s no clear path for advancement or new responsibilities at your current company.
• The thought of Monday morning fills you with dread.
• You’re underpaid compared to market rates.
• Poor work-life balance and lack of boundaries are harming your personal life.
• Rigid hierarchies and internal politics limit your growth potential.
• The company lags in adopting modern tools and technologies you’re interested in.

The “perfect” time isn’t dictated by the calendar or economy. It’s when your professional needs and aspirations aren’t being met.

Network, engage, and start putting feelers out while you’re in a position of strength.